( Project Undertaken By Nagpuri kala Sangam , Ranchi (Jharkhand )
(Govt. Registered Under Societies Registration Act -XXI 1860- Reg. No 55/81-82, & Exemption U/S 12A & 80G of IT Act., Co-operation by culture, Sport & Youth Work Department Govt. Of Jharkhand)(Also Registered under Ministry of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises Government Of India)
An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Organization

1.                FUNDAMENTAL         ----------------------10 classes           

                                                              (35  Marks)

v     Introduction to computer

v     History of computer

v     Generation of computer

v     Computer Devices

v     Software   &   Hardware Concept

v     Classification of computers

v     Programming languages and packages

v     Number system

v    Some Extra Topics


2. MS-DOS---------------------------------------- 8 CLASSES

                                                                   (15  Marks)

v     Introduction to MS-DOS

v     Function of MS-DOS

v     Internal Commands

v     External Commands

v    Wild Cards


3.    MS-WINDOWS------------------------------------6 CLASSES

                                                                      (10  Marks)

v     Introduction to MS-WINDOWS

v     Paint Brush

v     Note Pad

v     Word  Pad

v     Calculator

v    Working with Desktop


4.    MS-OFFICE----------------------(30Marks)---------- 17 CLASSES

v    Introduction to MS-OFFICE & Application

v     MS-WORD()


v     MS-EXCEL

v     MS-ACCESS(only concept)


5.    INTERNET & E-MAIL-----------------(10 Marks)------ 4 CLASSES

v        Internet & E-Mail (concepts only)

TOTAL NO OF CLASSES:-------------- 45  (Theory)
TOTAL NO OF CLASSES:-------------- 55 (Lab)
Duration :-----Theory---------1 H      ,     Lab-----------1H
NOTE:-  One   system  -  two   persons at  a time


Main features of the Word :-

(Header &  Footer,Comment,Hyperlink,Field,Symbol,Footnote,

Caption,Cross reference,Index & Tables,Picture,Text Box,Bookmarks,Paragraph,Drop Cap,Change Case,Auto format,Style Gallery,Background,Spelling & Grammer,Word Count,Autoformat,Merge document,Mail Merge,Protect document,Macro,Letter Wizard,Envelope & Labels,Table)



Main features of the  Excel :-

( Header & Footer,Comments,Function,Chart ,Map,Hyperlink,Picture,Autoformat,Conditional Formatting,Spelling & Grammer,Auto Correct,Goal seek,Scenario,Auditing,Macro,Protection,Sort,Filter,Pivot Table,Form )



Main Features of PowerPoint :-

(slide Sorter,Slide,Master,Slide miniature,speaker Notes,Comments,Duplicate slide,slide no.,Picture,Hyperlink,Alignment,Line spacing,Slide Layout,Apply design,Chart,font,Hbullet,Spelling,Auto correct,Slide color scheme,Macro,View Sgow,Rehearse timing,Action Buttons,Preset Animation,Custom animation,Slide Transition,Presentation conference.)


Main Features of Access :-

( Data base wizard,Blank wizard,Table, Macro,Query, Form,Report,Autocorrect,Security )


Ø     History  of  internet

Ø     Connecting to the internet

Ø     Internet  Vs  Intranets

Ø     HTML  ,  Browsers

Ø     Internet protocols


Ø    Dynamic web


Ø     Sending and receiving E-mail

Ø     Surfing the world wide web

Ø     Shopping Online

Ø     Talking in a chat room

Ø     Sending instant message

Ø    Playing MP3 music

Head Office :-Nagpuri Kala Sangam , Ranchi, Jharkhand.
Project Office :- Computer Village, Harmu By Pass Road Purani Ranchi, Jharkhand
Phone No:-09304659400,Mobile -9570216882,9905573909,
Land Line- 0651-4655256
Ext. Project Office (New):- Harmu Road,BM Height Building-Kishore Ganj,Sanskrit College Lane, Ranchi,834001, Jharkhand
Web-Site:- www.rcppmail.org E-mail :-rcpp_feedback@yahoo.co.in, rcppfeedback@gmail.com, rcpp@rcppmail.org
Copyright by : RCPP Ranchi

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